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If you are not satisfied with the product you have purchased you have the opportunity to return it or exchange it for another one. You can exchange one product with another within 14 (fourteen) days after the receipt date of the purchase.

A return or exchange of a purchased product can only be made if the product is in its original packaging, original appearance and quality. That means it has not been subjected to any kind of processing or impact; its integrity is not violated; there are no damages caused by improper use, including improper installment; all accessories and consumables, fasteners and others that accompany the main purchased product are preserved.

The costs of returning or exchanging a product are covered by the buyer (customer).

In case there is:

· manufacturing defect of the product;

· missing product parts;

· transport damages

you have the right to make a complaint to the seller of the goods.

Once you send the complaint via phone or e-mail within 14 (fourteen) days after the purchase you should return the product to the seller.

If you log a complaint, you have the right to request that the defected product is replaced with the same type and quality product. The other option is the product is returned without requesting a replacement with another product.

The product return based on a complaint can be made if the product is in its original form and quality. That means it has not been subjected to any kind of processing or impact; its integrity is not violated; there are no damages caused by improper use, including improper installment; all accessories and consumables, fasteners and others that accompany the main purchased product are preserved.

If there is a complaint logged, the costs of returning the product are covered by the seller.

Regardless of whether you make a complaint or return the product with or without exchange for another product, it is necessary to contact the seller by phone or send your request via e-mail. Additionally, it is necessary to give descriptive information about the product: type, name, quantity and any other product features; order number; receipt date. You need to confirm whether you are making a complaint, return the product or you want an exchange with another product.

If you are returning the product and you want your money back, you need to send details of your bank account where the product price will be refunded. In this case, it is also necessary to send the invoice or receipt for the purchace.

A purchased product can be returned to the following address:

Sofia, 1592, 7th 11th kilometer, 38 Captain Dimitar Spisarevski St.

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